Hey you!
Thank you for visiting my humble little space on the vast www.
I'm Meiting, also known as LianMeiting everywhere else on my social media accounts.
I have a wide range of interests and there seems to be many things that excites me. Besides the usual girly stuff like beauty and fashion, I'm also really adventurous and I love to travel. My favorite place to visit in the world right now is Japan! And maybe London, Greece and Europe. Haha.
Before joining Nuffnang (my blogging agency) as an influencer, I was a flight stewardess with the prestigious Singapore Airlines. I flew around the globe for a short 2 years, learned independence and gained so much life experience that money could never buy, before I clipped my wings in year 2013.
My other interests includes diving (just became a certified advanced diver yo!), pole dancing (have been taking classes for more than 18 months now) and occasional visits to the gym with my fiance.
There is so much more that I wish to say but I guess you'll learn more about me as you continue your stay here.